Transform Yourself With Schick

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 If you had the powers of MAN OF STEEL for one (1) week, how would you use it?

Superman is my all-time favorite superhero since my childhood days. He chose to use his superhuman abilities to help the humanity and protect us from all kinds of dangers. He has a very strong unwavering moral and sense of humanitarianism. His powers are like of a god yet due to his past, he is more human than the rest of us.

If I would have the chance to experience his abilities for a week, I think I wouldn't be just like him. Superman used his powers to protect the people from the villain but as for me, I would rather protect the Earth itself from human beings. I see Earth just like the Planet Krypton which was being destroyed but for unknown reason.

I don't see a lot of people being too concerned about the Earth's condition. Most of us don't care but there are others who even abused God's given gifts...

I would stop all kinds of illegal activities that rapidly destroying this planet. Since I would only have a week to do it, I would advocate for saving the Earth and all the species living here. Remember, God made us to be the stewards of his creations yet we consciously or subconsciously destroy this planet.

Stop the animal abuse. Stop destroying our nature.

Lots and lots of people try to educate us about the global warming yet only little changes has been made. Why? Try to imagine a group of people tried to clean up the beach voluntarily and then another set of people would come and held a party at the said beach. Afterwards, numerous pieces of trash are scattered around the area but they won't give a damn about it, thinking, that there are others who would do the work.

"Doesn't matter, had fun!"

There are lots of people, especially those celebrities who have their own charities. Since they're popular, they get a legion of supporters to help him/her achieve the goal of his charity works. And once I had the super abilities of superman, there's a big chance that I would become so popular and more people would definitely took an interest and listen on what I say.

This would be a great time to show the people that we don't have to have superhuman abilities to be a hero.

Everything would be such a waste if we didn't do anything about it. Look how wonderful our planet is and how much change we could do to save this.

What about you? If you had the powers of MAN OF STEEL for one a week, how would you use it?

 You could also join this Schick's Superman Promo Contest available in Nuffnang to win movie tickets and enjoy the special screening of MAN OF STEEL!

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