Coping With Everyday Problems

8:54 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Knowing how to cope with stress does not come naturally for most of us. We have to learn it like any other skills and it's a matter of meeting the challenges as and when they arise. It's a matter of balance. Learning to handle difficult situation helps us put our lives back where they belong. As we get better, our coping improves with practice.
the choices you make, the things you feel, the things you think. You choose how your life goes - See more at:

Coping is matter of dealing well with life's stresses and strains, not dominating them and not being overwhelmed by them.

Improve Your Coping Skill

Accept Responsibility. This is your own life. Acknowledge that you are responsible for your life. You choose how your life goes by the choices you make, the things you feel and think. Most importantly, you should know to point your finger at yourself about the consequences of your actions/choices.
For example, if you come home from work fully intending to write for two hours, but then get side-tracked talking to your sister on the phone and don’t end up writing, you can’t blame your sister for you not getting your writing done. You need to accept that it was your choice to talk to your sister, rather than to tell her you’d call her back after you finished writing. - See more at:
For example, if you come home from work fully intending to write for two hours, but then get side-tracked talking to your sister on the phone and don’t end up writing, you can’t blame your sister for you not getting your writing done. You need to accept that it was your choice to talk to your sister, rather than to tell her you’d call her back after you finished writing. - See more at:
For example, if you come home from work fully intending to write for two hours, but then get side-tracked talking to your sister on the phone and don’t end up writing, you can’t blame your sister for you not getting your writing done. You need to accept that it was your choice to talk to your sister, rather than to tell her you’d call her back after you finished writing. - See more at:
For example, if you come home from work fully intending to write for two hours, but then get side-tracked talking to your sister on the phone and don’t end up writing, you can’t blame your sister for you not getting your writing done. You need to accept that it was your choice to talk to your sister, rather than to tell her you’d call her back after you finished writing. - See more at:
For example, if you come home from work fully intending to write for two hours, but then get side-tracked talking to your sister on the phone and don’t end up writing, you can’t blame your sister for you not getting your writing done. You need to accept that it was your choice to talk to your sister, rather than to tell her you’d call her back after you finished writing. - See more at:
the choices you make, the things you feel, the things you think. You choose how your life goes - See more at:

Be Objective. Step back and look at your life situation through changing your perspective. It is a very valuable tool for understanding a situation better and avoiding false views. If you look at a room from a different position, you will see different things.

 A wise old monk realized one of the key secrets of life - change yourself and the world changes around you. Or better still; change your focus about life and life changes.

Inner Resources. It is a resource provided by the mind or one's personal capabilities. You have to know yourself and be confident with it to face the challenges in your life. You don't always need to have an expert by your side. What you really need is be surrounded by the people you trust and to feel that you are loved. Having their support would give you an extra energy to cope up with your problems.

Positive Approach. There is always an effective way to deal with each situation. Positive emotions makes us more resilient. Our emotions affect our long term well-being but remember to bee Realistic. Do not expect too much of yourself. Set attainable goals. Know what you can do and push harder but know your limit. Being disappointed with yourself because you expected too much would not be good for you.

If the first solution does not work, try again. The fact that you acted counts. There are several factors that would affect you and your problems. Being flexible would also mean that you would be able to deal with them much easier. Take one step at a time. Several problems is overwhelming. Choose the first step necessary to deal with one problem and work on the rest in easy stages.

Be Healthy. Good health increases your stress tolerance and it also helps you to think clearly. You can even assess your situation while jogging. We all know that there are lots and lots of benefits in exercise. Relax. Schedule regular recreation, take restful vacations, and learn relaxation techniques. This can also be a reward for yourself after you successfully solved your problems. This way, you won't over fatigue yourself. 

I think that's all for today. Thank you for reading this!


The Morning Person

10:42 PM Unknown 0 Comments

6:00 AM: Alarm blares. "okay. I'm awake. I just need a few more minutes." Hits snooze.

6:05 AM: Snooze. "ugghhh...a few minutes more." Hits snooze again.

8:00 AM: "8?!" gawks. mouth hanging open, realizing I'm late for the first class.

I used to be the morning person, feeling more optimistic and proactive for the rest of the day. I like to watch the sunrise and feels that I have more time to do things without cramming and get ready for the class.

Many morning people feel energized after a full night's sleep and can shake what few cobwebs remain by taking a bracing morning shower. They often find the early hours are also ideal for taking care of routine matters, such as email correspondence, household finances, and reading the newspaper.

As a morning person back then, it feels like I'm more productive and get a lot of things done. I really like to do some exercises in the morning rather than in the late afternoon. But since I got into college, I'd become the night owl type of person who stays up late just to finish my plate. In Architecture, it's not a news anymore. Most of the time, we only get 2-4 hours of sleep a day. It felt like we don't always have a time for our personal and social life.

Luckily for this semester, most of my classes starts in the afternoon which gives me more time in the morning. Lately, I've been trying to get back into my old routine, waking up early in the morning and do some exercises. Every time I try to wake up in the morning, this is what always happens: Alarm goes off, hits snooze, alarm goes off again and it won't be able to wake me up.

I want to become a morning person again. It makes me feel like I have more control in my life and more consistent. But no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to wake up earlier than usual. And I know for a fact that it is because I need more rest since I usually sleep at 11pm-1am. I know there are tricks to help myself through different activities in the morning but that's the problem, right? I couldn't even get up from my bed. How am I supposed to splash some water in my face or even make my bed?

Sadly, I think I won't be able to become a morning person as of now, considering that I still have a lot of plates to do.

And I know this is just a lame excuse to myself.


Gonna Be Like One

5:26 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I just wanna share this video even though I'm still a student. I don't like the sound and all, but I love the message. This pretty much summarizes the life of an Architect.

Sleepless Nights.
Espresso and Red Bull till I get a stomach ache.
With our cotton blazers high, we have a sense of style. (Blazers is actually part of our uniform)
I read code books when I'm on vacation.

We're Architects! With creative flare
It's a daily grind, but we love what we do!

I'm happy that I'm enjoying all of these and thanks to this video, it made my day.

As of now, I got sick because of those sleepless nights but I still have to go to school and do my plates.


Enjoying My Interior Design Subject

7:33 PM Unknown 1 Comments

One of our subjects for this semester is Interior Design and I am pretty excited about it. We get to design the interior of the building which completes (for me) the experience of designing a structure. You get to infuse more of your design concept with it and much more.

Problem is, it's not our ONLY subject for this semester. I have about 9 subjects in total and each subject requires us to give them our time and efforts to produce what they wants us to produce within a short time period. Every time I get home from school, I feel tired, exhausted and all I want to do is sleep but then, I'll remember that we have some plates to pass for the next day. So yeah... 'goodbye sleep!'

As much as I want to enjoy the said subject, the need to take care of myself and the need to do other things that require more efforts and time makes me think that I should just do it as fast as I can and get on with it.

Last week, we were told to design a condo unit and submit our manually drawn plates within three days and because we have a lot of things to do in other subjects, our three days became 3 hours.

I'm not a fan of working manually. It takes a lot of time and effort compared to computer aided drawings. So I decided to use Google Sketch Up and Lumion. In just 30 minutes, I have my own interior design for this condo unit and all I have to do is print and trace it. It was fast and easy, and I enjoyed designing it as well.

As you can see, I forgot to put the ceiling. Sorry! I didn't have too much time to find some wallpaper and some pictures to hang from the wall. Some day if I would be able to design my own place, it would almost look like this. It looks masculine, I know, but that's just how I like it. I'm not much fan of pastel colors. It's too much girly for me. The folding door should be a one a way mirror towards the living and kitchen area so if I want to make it look like more spacious, all I have to do is push aside the folding door.

That's it. It's impossibly small for my taste but that's the challenge. How would you design yours?

P.S. I'm really thankful that I could still find some time to write new posts. I'm actually in awe right now.