A Little Bit of Beer and Lots of Coffee

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I saw this image from bestinfographics.com and 9gag.com, showing the effects of caffeine and beer in our brain.

It says here that beer makes us more creative while coffee, of course, keeps us awake and more focused. There’s no doubt about the effects of coffee in our system. There are some people who can’t live without coffee. On the other hand, the beer part is what I’m more skeptical about. Sure, too much alcohol makes us do crazy things but is it creative? While we’re under the influence of alcohol, we might think that whatever you had in mind is a GREAT idea.

Though with what’s the photo stated, moderate amount of beer activates certain part of our which makes us more creative. And since I’m an art related student that needs a new concept every now and then, I did a little research on this since as far as I know, alcohol damages your brain cells permanently.

It may impair your thinking, but alcohol doesn’t permanently destroy brain cells. It damages dendrites, which are the little feelers on neurons that convey electrical messages from your brain to your body. Neurons are the cells that act as communicators, triggering motor responses to physical stimuli. Dendrite damage interferes with those messages, which can account for all those poorly spelled texts and inability to walk in a straight line. (But the effects are not permanent.)

Overuse of alcohol combined with a lack of nutrients can lead to memory lapses and problems with motor coordination. Alcoholics can develop a neurological disorder called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which can result in a loss of neurons in some parts of the brain. This syndrome also causes memory problems, confusion, paralysis of the eyes, lack of muscle coordination and amnesia. It can lead to death. However, the disorder isn't caused by the alcohol itself. It's the result of a deficiency of thiamine, an essential B vitamin. Not only are severe alcoholics often malnourished, extreme alcohol consumption can interfere with the body's absorption of thiamine.

In conclusion to my little research, Alcohol doesn’t kill your brain cells permanently but it can still damage it if you drink in mass quantities.

So yeah, after this research, my friend and I tried it. I went to the store; buy a can of beer before I went home from school. I drank the half of my beer since I’m scared that I might get myself too tipsy and ends up doing nothing. After that, I made myself a cup of coffee and sat in front of my laptop thinking for an effective plan. I’ve been working on that floor plan for almost three days since our plate is a mental hospital facility.

All I can say it that, it worked! Every problem about my plans seems so easy at that point like I can’t even believe myself why I haven’t thought about it earlier. So I just kept on drinking coffee so I could finish it in one night. The next day, I asked my friend if it also worked on her. Thankfully, she said yes but we decided to keep quiet about it because somehow it feels like we’re cheating.

Anyway, another classmate of mine as having some problems with his floor plans so I told him about the ‘beer and coffee trick’. It also worked for him. Now, this doesn’t mean that I’ve been drinking beer every now and then. I don’t like the thought of depending on beer every time I need a concept. I’ve done this for only about three times for the past four months. Besides, I only need half a can of beer. It’s not like I’m drowning myself with alcohol.

While I was working on my plate, I had this great idea pertaining about my social life since I don’t have one. I’ll post about it tomorrow or the day after that. By the way, you guys might think about what my parents say about this, they knew about this trick and also, my dad drinks the other half of beer. Haha. I guess that’s all. Bye!